2019 New Tactics/Ways for Immigration to Australia
457及僱主提名簽證 「變天」!
2017-2018年對移民澳洲的人士來說可算是多事之年。突發的簽證條例改變包括首當其衝的有457簽證更改為482臨時技術短缺簽証。按照新規定, 申請人除了要有最少兩年工作經驗才可申請482之外, 還有強制性勞動力市場測試(一些國家除外) 和技術基金要求等, 都令申請人及僱主為之卻步。 而且由457轉永居時, 需為僱主工作時期更由2年時間增加至3年 。
若其間因457簽證到期而需要續期轉為482時, 但其職業卻不在482中長期職業清單內, 那麼簽證持有者是否仍可轉為永居?這個問題在新舊規定交替時真的折騰了不少457簽證持有者, 原因是當其時沒有任何一個人(包括移民顧問) 能給予肯定的答覆, 而且當時的澳洲移民局也給予一些無凌兩可﹑似是而非的答案。 直至最近半年移民局才就這個問題給予肯定的答覆。另外, 因為條例更改後執行未夠成熟, 所以拒簽率達至前所未有的新高。
同時間186 及187 永居簽證亦無一幸免, 新規例後令以往能在特別情況下豁免英文﹑年齡及技評等優惠立即被取消, 還有新加入的特定職業額外提名條件警告等。 因此, 希望藉著申請這些簽證而達到永居的人士來說, 這些簽證現在已經不及當年吸引了。
直至現在, 個人技術簽證似乎仍然是最可靠的移民途徑。原因是一旦申請人能夠滿足到申請要求, 便可以達到移民目的, 并不會像申請臨時技術短缺482或 僱主提名簽証般會受僱主情況影響。例如: 在申請過程中一旦僱主的提名不獲通過或期間工作機構情況有變, 可能令申請人之前的所有努力都變成白費。因此, 現時簽證持有者或等待簽證批核期間的人士, 一旦累積足夠的技術積分, 亦會紛紛轉投申請個人技術移民簽證, 因為這類簽證不會因提名不通過或僱主機構情況有變(如公司倒閉)而引致失去轉永居的機會, 也由此起不用再繼續為其提名僱主工作。
但是, 現時申請獨立技術189簽證并不容易, 因為要求的最低門檻分數65分已經很難達到。要是達到了也不一定能夠獲得申請邀請。現時, 要獲得189獨立技術簽證的申請邀請, 最少要有70分, 而且一些兢爭高的職業類型如計算機及會計職業等更加要有75-80分才有機會獲得邀請。現在嘗試為大家找出最佳的申請時機及階段。
所得分數 | ||
年齡: | 25-32歲 | 30分 |
英文程度: | 雅思7分(大部份申請人士一般都只能最高達至雅思或同等英文考試7分) | 10分 |
海外相關工作年期: | 5年 | 10分 |
學歷: | 學士程度 | 15分 |
總分: | 65分 |
對於剛大學畢業的人士來說,馬上申請技術移民并不理想,原因是剛畢業者一般都是在25歲以下, 不能拿取最高年齡得分, 也沒有相關工作經驗得分, 因此他們畢業後應先投入他們專業的工作, 期間亦要找合適的英文訓練,務求達到雅思得分在全七分或更高的得分。 當累積足夠5年的工作經驗後, 應該還在32歲或以下, 所以仍可獲取最高年齡得分, 最終到達最低門檻的65得分可以申請190或489州省政府提名類簽證。
若果想進取些申請189簽證, 可考慮到澳洲修讀一個為期兩年的文馮或碩士課程(有特定要求), 完成後可獲得額外5分(澳洲修讀), 若選讀的課程是位於偏遠區域, 更加可額外加5分(澳洲區域修讀)。這樣一計, 已經可以獲得70-75分。
若果是修讀會計或計算機的, 在澳洲完成相關的碩士課程後,還可考慮完成專業年,完成後還可獲得5分, 這時侯已經可獲得80分了。
當然, 以上例子是根據現時移民政策及條例與及惕除所有不可控制的情況而釐定。因此有可能當你完成以上所有安排後, 移民政策已經改變而令你再不合資格申請, 所以你在選擇是否要修讀任何課程及到澳洲升學, 一定要按個人喜好及前途著想為大前題, 不要一切只為移民而做, 否則若移民政策改變而令你無法移民成功, 你所做的一切都是不值得了。
190及489簽證都是澳洲州省政府提名, 申請者可獲得州省政府給予的額外5-10分, 對一些底分只有60或55分者, 提供了另一條技術移民途徑。申請者在獲得簽證後須承諾在提名州省居住兩年, 而申請489簽證更需要在該地居住兩年及同時要有一年的全職工作後才可轉為永居。而現時申請這兩項技術簽證, 并不需要如申請189簽證般要有最少70分才可獲得申請邀請, 因為每個州省政府都有他們內部不公開的邀請政策及指引, 所以若你能夠累積足夠65分(加上州省政府給予的5-10分) 及達到他們公開的額外要求, 基本機會是有的。
若果你的底分只有55分, 你可能只可以選擇489臨時區域政府提名簽證。其實近年澳洲政府已經推行「新移民先選擇居住在偏遠地域」, 因為大城市如悉尼及墨爾本等 現時都已經變得很擠迫, 而且各區域政府近年都紛紛推出489簽證機會, 包括由北領地先推出的最新指定區域遷移協議DAMA, 而其他的區域政府亦陸續協商推出其獨特的DAMA計劃, 務求吸引更多移民到該地域定居。因此要知道該計劃的最新動向, 請密切留意我們為大家提供的最新消息。
此外,由於澳洲移民政策改變快速, 因此你需要有貼近消息的移民顧問為你提供指引及最新攻略。而且在申請過程中其實是會遇上很多陷阱及問題, 偶一不慎便會白白錯失機會。
457及雇主提名签证 「变天」!
2017-2018年对移民澳大利亚的人士来说可算是多事之年。突发的签证条例改变包括首当其冲的有457签证更改为482临时技术短缺签证。按照新规定, 申请人除了要有最少两年工作经验才可申请482之外, 还有强制性劳动力市场测试(一些国家除外) 和技术基金要求等, 都令申请人及雇主为之却步。而且由457转永居时, 需为雇主工作时期更由2年时间转为3年 。
若其间因457签证到期而需要续期转为482时, 但其职业却不在482中长期职业清单内, 那么签证持有者是否仍可转为永居?这个问题在新旧规定交替时真的折腾了不少457签证持有者, 原因是当其时没有任何一个人(包括移民顾问) 能给予肯定的答覆, 而且当时的澳大利亚移民局也给予一些无凌两可﹑似是而非的答案。直至近年移民局才就这个问题给予肯定的答覆。另外, 因为条例更改后执行未够成熟, 所以拒签率达至前所未有的新高。
同时间186 及187 永居签证亦无一幸免, 新规例后令以往能在特别情况下豁免英文﹑年龄及技评等优惠立即被取消, 还有新加入的提名职业额外条件警告等。因此, 希望借着申请这些签证而达到永居的人士来说, 这些签证现在已经不及当年吸引了。
直至现在, 个人技术签证似乎仍然是最可靠的移民途径。原因是一旦申请人能够满足到申请要求, 便可以达到移民目的, 并不会像申请临时技术短缺482或 雇主提名签证般会受雇主情况影响。例如: 在申请过程中一旦雇主的提名不获通过或期间工作机构情况有变, 可能令申请人之前的所有努力都变成白费。因此, 现时签证持有者或等待签证批核期间的人士, 一旦累积足够的技术积分, 亦会分分转投申请个人技术移民签证, 因为这类签证不会因提名不通过或雇主机构情况有变(如公司倒闭)而引致失去转永居的机会, 也由此起不用再继续为其提名雇主工作。
但是, 现时申请独立技术189签证并不容易, 因为要求的最低门槛分数65分已经很难达到。要是达到了也不一定能够获得申请邀请。现时, 要获得189独立技术签证的申请邀请, 最少要有70分, 而且一些兢争高的职业类型如计算机及会计职业等更加要有75-80分才有机会获得邀请。现在尝试为大家找出最佳的申请时机及阶段。
所得分数 | ||
年龄: | 25-32岁 | 30分 |
英文程度: | 雅思7分(大部份申请人士一般都只能最高达至雅思或同等英文考试7分) | 10分 |
海外相关工作年期: | 5年 | 10分 |
学历: | 学士程度 | 15分 |
总分: | 65分 |
对于刚大学毕业的人士来说,马上申请技术移民并不理想,原因是刚毕业者一般都是在25岁以下, 不能拿取最高年龄得分, 也没有相关工作经验得分, 因此他们应该毕业后应先投入他们专业的工作, 期间亦要找合适的英文训练,务求达到雅思得分在全七分或更高的得分。当累积足够5年的工作经验后, 应该还在32岁或以下, 所以仍可获取最高年龄得分, 最终到达最低门槛的65得分可以申请190或489州省政府提名类签证。
若果想进取些申请189签证, 可考虑到澳大利亚修读一个为期两年的文冯或硕士课程(有特定要求), 完成后可获得额外5分(澳大利亚修读), 若选读的课程是位于偏远区域, 更加可额外加5分(澳洲区域修读)。这样一计, 已经可以获得70-75分。
若果是修读会计或计算机的, 在澳大利亚完成相关的硕士课程后,还可考虑完成专业年,完成后还可获得5分, 这时侯已经可获得80分了。
当然, 以上例子是根据现时移民政策及条例与及惕除所有不可控制的情况而厘定。因此有可能当你完成以上所有安排后, 移民政策已经改变而令你再不合资格申请, 所以你在选择是否要修读任何课程及到澳大利亚升学, 一定要按个人喜好及前途着想为大前题, 不要一切只为移民而做, 否则若移民政策改变而令你无法移民成功, 你所做的一切都是不值得了。
190及489签证都是澳大利亚州省政府提名, 申请者可获得州省政府给予的额外5-10分, 对一些底分只有60或55分者, 提供了另一条技术移民途径。申请者在获得签证后须承诺在提名州省居住两年, 而申请489签证更需要在该地居住两年及同时要有一年的全职工作后才可转为永居。而现时申请这两项技术签证, 并不需要如申请189签证般要有最少70分才可获得申请邀请, 因为每个州省政府都有他们内部不公开的邀请政策及指引, 所以若你能够累积足够65分(加上州省政府给予的5-10分) 及达到他们公开的额外要求, 基本机会是有的。
若果你的底分只有55分, 你可能只可以选择489临时区域政府提名签证。其实近年澳大利亚政府已经推行「新移民先选择居住在偏远地域」, 因为大城市如悉尼及墨尔本等现时都已经变得很挤迫, 而且各区域政府近年都分分推出489签证机会, 包括由北领地先推出的最新指定区域迁移协议DAMA, 而其他的区域政府亦会陆续协商推出其独特的DAMA计划, 务求吸引更多移民到该地域定居。因此要知道该计划的最新动向, 请切记密切留意我们为大家提供的最新消息。
此外,由于澳大利亚移民政策改变快速, 因此你需要有贴近消息的移民顾问为你指引及提供最新攻略。而且在申请过程中其实是会遇上很多陷阱, 偶一不慎便会白白错失机会。
Immigration Rules change rapidly
457 and Employer nomination visas “Changed”!
2017-2018 were the eventful years for those who wanted to immigrate to Australia. Sudden changes occurred to the visa regulations including the 457 visa which was ceased and replaced by the 482 Temporary Skill Shortage(TSS) Visa. According to the new regulations, applicants who want to apply for the 482 visa must have at least two years of relevant work experience, as well as a mandatory Labour Market Testing (except for the countries with International trade obligations) and the Skilling Australians Fund requirements, which are discouraging applicants and employers to apply for the Visa. For 457 visa holders who want to proceed to permanent residence through the 186(TRT) visa, the required period of work for the same employer has been changed from two years to three years.
If the 457 visa expires and the holder needs to extend the Visa they must apply for the 482 visa. However, if their occupation is not in the 482 Medium Long Term Occupation List(MLTSSL), can they still be transited to permanent residence visa 186(TRT)? Many of the 457 visa holders were tossed by this question during the transition to the new regulations. It was because no one was able to give a definite response at the time, and the Australian Home Affairs Department also gave some ambiguous and plausible answers. It was only until almost the mid of last year that the Department had given a definite answer to this question. In addition, because the implementation of the regulations is not mature enough, so the refusal rate has reached an unprecedented high.
At the same time, the 186 and 187 permanent residence visas were not spared. The new regulations allowed the exemption of English, age and skill assessments in the past to be cancelled immediately, as well as additional caveats imposed on the nominations for certain occupations. Therefore, those who wish to achieve Australian permanent residence by applying for these visas are now less attractive than they once were.
New Direction for Immigration in 2019 – Applying for a Skilled Visa is the “Right Path”!
General Skilled Migration
Skilled Migration still seems to be the most reliable route of immigration. The reason is that once the applicant can meet the application requirements, the immigration purpose can be achieved. It will not be affected by the employer’s situation unlike the application for 482 TSS or the employer nominated typed visas. For example: In the process of applying, if the employer’s nomination does not pass or the situation of the organization changes (e.g. business wind up) during the period, all the efforts of the applicant may be in vain. Therefore, presently, visa holders who are waiting for the visa approval period will apply for a skilled visa once they have accumulated sufficient skilled points, because the grant of such visa is based on the applicant’s merits and does not rely on the merits of another party. And thus, they no longer need to continue to work for their nominated employer when they changed to apply for a skilled visa.
Presently, it is difficult to receive an invitation to apply for the Independent Skilled 189 Visa
However, it is not easy to apply for an Independent Skilled 189 Visa in the present, because the minimum threshold required for 65 points is already difficult to achieve. If you reach it, you may not get an invitation to apply. Currently, an invitation to apply for a 189 visa requires at least 70 points. For some highly competitive occupations such as ICT and Accounting professions must have 75-80 points to get an invitation. Now, we try to find the best time and stage for a person to apply for a skilled visa.
Taking overseas applicants as an example
Points | ||
Age: | 25-32 years old | 30 |
English Level: | IELTS 7(all bands)( Most applicants can only get up to 7 points in IELTS or equivalent English exams.) | 10 |
Overseas Year of Employment Experience: | 5 years | 10 |
Education Level: | Bachelor Degree | 15 |
Total : | 65 points |
Well Plan Ahead
For those who have just graduated from college/university, it is not ideal to apply for a skilled visa immediately. The reason is that those who have just graduated are generally under the age of 25, cannot get the highest points for age, and have no relevant work experience points. Therefore, they should first enter their professional after graduation and also find suitable English training during the period, in order to achieve an IELTS score of seven or more. After accumulating 5 years of work experience, you should still be 32 years old or younger, so you can still get the highest age points and finally to reach the minimum threshold of 65 points. At this time, you are eligible to apply for 190 or 489 State nominated typed visas.
If you are ambitious to apply for a 189 visa, you can consider studying in Australia for a two-year Diploma or Master’s program (with specific requirements) and you will receive an additional 5 points (Australian study) if you choose to study the course in the regional areas, it adds an extra 5 points (Study in regional Australia). In this way, 70-75 points have been obtained.
If you are studying accounting or ICT, you can also complete the “Professional Year” after completing the relevant master’s degree in Australia. After completing the course, you can get 5 points. At this time, you can have 80 points.
Of course, the above sample routes are based on the current immigration policies and regulations and the elimination of all uncontrollable circumstances. Therefore, it is possible that after you have completed all the above courses, the immigration law has changed and you are no longer eligible to apply. Therefore, if you choose to take any course and go to Australia to study, it must be based on your personal preferences and prospects. Don’t do everything just for achieving immigration. Otherwise, if the immigration law changes and you can’t immigrate successfully, everything you have done would not be worth it.
Consider Applying for a 190 and 489 Visa
The 190 and 489 visas are visas nominated by the Australian State Government. Applicants can receive additional 5-10 points from the government. It provides a skilled migration route for those with base points of 60 or 55. Applicants must commit to living in the nominated State for two years after obtaining the visa. Applying for a 489 visa requires applicants to have two years of residence in the area and a full-time job for one year before they can proceed to permanent residence. At present, applying for these two skilled visas does not require a minimum of 70 points to receive an invitation to apply like the 189 visa. It is because each state and territory government has its internal non-publicised policies and guidelines to follow for sending invitations. So if you can accumulate 65 points (including the 5 or 10 nomination points from the State government), as well as meeting their additional requirements, it is enough to receive opportunities for the visas.
A New Trend for Applying for 489 Visas
If your score is only 55 points, you may only be able to choose a 489 Skilled Regional (provisional) visa. In fact, the Australian government has encouraged “new immigrants to first choose to live in remote areas” in recent years. One of the main reasons is the big cities such as Sydney and Melbourne have become very crowded now. Moreover, various regional governments have introduced 489 visa opportunities to attract migrants, including one of the newly-designated regional migration plan, Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) from Northern Territory State. Following it, other regional governments will launch their unique DAMA program after negotiating with relevant authorities, for attracting more immigrants to settle in the area. Therefore, to be aware of the latest developments in the program, please stay in tune with us.
In addition, because Australia’s immigration policies have changed rapidly, you need a close-knit immigration consultant to guide you and provide the latest strategy. Moreover, in the process of applying, you will encounter many uncertainty and pitfalls. Even if you do so accidentally, you will still miss the opportunity.