188C 重要投资者类


这个临时商业投资签证适合有意在澳大利亚投资至少500万澳元的投资者,且能符合特定条件, 并维持在澳大利亚的投资活动,该签证为签证持有人提供了永久居留(888签证)途径。
  • 在你的临时签证有效期内,投资至少500万澳元合规重大投资于风险投资基金﹑新兴公司和平衡投资;
  • 您的资金来源是合法获得的;
  • 用作投资的资金是没受任何约束或阻碍的;
  • 在澳大利亚连续居住4年

1) 合规 重大投资

如果您在 2021 年 7 月 1 日或之后被邀请申请此签证,您必须(在申请此签证之时或之后)在被邀请时进行至少 500 万澳元的合规重大投资。您还必须有真实意图在临时签证的有效期内持有该投资, 而且必须按以下比例进行投资:

  • 至少 100 万澳元的风险投资和成长型私募股权基金,投资于初创企业和小型私营公司
  • 至少 150 万澳元的批准管理基金,管理基金必须投资于在澳大利亚证券交易所上市的新兴公司
  • 至少 250 万澳元的管理基金“平衡投资”

2) 没有参与不可接受的活动的历史


3) 有Functional英语语言程度

所有在申请时年满 18 岁或以上的申请人必须至少具备Functional程度英语或愿意支付第二期签证申请费。

188C visa

New South Wales


You must make a complying significant investment of at least A$5,000,000 in NSW and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa.

Complying investments

It must be invested in the following proportions:

  • at least A$1,000,000 in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-up and small private companies
  • at least A$1,500,000 in approved managed funds. The managed funds must invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange
  • a ‘balancing investment’ of at least A$2,500,000 in managed funds

Investing in NSW

To qualify for NSW nomination, you must show that your complying investments will contribute to the NSW economy.

NSW will refuse your nomination application for a permanent visa (subclass 888) if you cannot show your complying investments meet the following criteria:

Venture Capital and Growth Private Equity investment

At least 50% of your venture capital component must be invested in:

  • a venture capital fund investing in start-up and small-to-medium enterprises in NSW, or
  • a venture capital limited partnership that sources investments in NSW
Emerging companies

At least 50% of the emerging companies component must be invested in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that are headquartered in NSW.

Balancing investment

At least 50% of your balancing investments must bring benefits to NSW. This can be shown where:

  • the funds have an office in NSW; or
  • the business of underlying investment is headquartered in NSW; or
  • the business activities of underlying investment are of economic benefit to NSW

Living in NSW

You must have a genuine commitment to reside in NSW and contribute to NSW through your investment activity.



To be eligible to apply for Victorian Significant Investor stream (subclass 188C) visa nomination, you must:

  • intend to live in Victoria,
  • be able to make a complying investment of at least A$5 million in Victoria,
  • be committed to meet the Department of Home Affairs’ requirements for subclass 888B permanent residence


  • Meet Department of Home Affairs’ subclass 188C Significant Investor Stream requirements;
  • Ensure the Complying Investment is of economic benefit to the ACT by entering into an agreement to either:
    • Invest a minimum $500,000 into Significant Capital Ventures, an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership that complies with Part A of the Complying Significant Investment Framework; and invest the remaining funds in Part B and C of the Complying Significant Investment Framework; or
    • Invest at least $500,000 into a Complying Significant Investment that is of economic benefit to the ACT.For example:
      • Venture capital and growth private equity fund investing in start-up and small private companies in the ACT; or
      • Venture Capital Limited Partner (VCLP) fund component in a fund that is actively sourcing investment in the ACT.
    • Invest the remaining funds in Part B and C of the Complying Significant Investment Framework.

South Australia

  • To meet the South Australian nomination requirements, you must:

    • Meet the Department of Home Affairs subclass 188C significant investor stream criteria.
    • Intend to live in South Australia.
    • Agree to make and maintain an investment of AUD$5 million for the duration of the provisional visa in a complying investment fund. The complying investment fund must materially benefit South Australia.
    • Agree to register your arrival in South Australia with Skilled & Business Migration and maintain current contact details for the duration of your visa.  
  • The choice of investment options is based on the client’s own preference and Department of Home Affairs complying investment requirements.
  • It is strongly recommended that applicants obtain professional legal and financial advice before investing or undertaking any business activity.
  • The South Australian Government will not advise on any investment made or any business activity to be undertaken by the applicant nor does it accept liability for any financial loss, cost of expense incurred as a result of any business decision, business activities or investments of the applicant or any person in any way connected with the significant investor program or otherwise.

The Commonwealth and State Government require applicants to agree to not take legal action against them for any loss of capital arising from the complying investment.




Western Australia



Northern Territory






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