188B 商业投资者签证



  • 小于55周岁 或 若高于该年龄,打算建立或参与对州或地区具有特殊经济利益的商业或投资活动;;
  • 总体上有成功的经商或投资经验;
  • 有至少3年管理一项或多项商业或投资的经验;
  • 在投资或商业活动方面显示出高水平的管理技能;
  • 在受邀时间之前的5个会计年度中的至少1个年度,
    • 直接参与管理有关业务,并且您和/或配偶的所有权权益至少占企业总价值的10%;或;
    • 直接参与管理您和/或配偶的投资,其总净值至少为150万澳元;
  • 紧接在获邀请前的两个财政年度中拥有足够的个人和/或企业净资产至少250万澳元;
  • 在你的临时签证有效期内投资至少250万澳元于规的投资项目[注解1]; 及
  • 在分数测试中获得至少65分
  • 至少 50万 澳元投资于风险投资和成长型私募股权基金于初创企业和小型私人公司;
  • 至少 75万 澳元投资于批准管理基金。管理基金必须投资于在澳大利亚证券交易所上市的新兴公司;
  • 其余至少 125 万澳元投资于管理基金。
  • 用于满足商业拥有权和营商经验的一个或多个商业公司必须是合格的商业。符合条件的合格商业指的是:
    • 以通过向公众提供商品,服务或商品和服务(不包括提供物业租务)来牟利为目的而经营;并且
    • 其重要或主要目的不是投机或被动投资。
  • 用于满足投资拥有权和管理经验的投资必须是合格投资
  • 合格投资是指某人拥有该投资,目的是产生收入或资本收益形式的回报,而且不是供个人使用。:
    1. 在商业业务中的拥有权权益;
    2. 现金存款;
    3. 股票或债券;
    4. 房产;
    5. 黄金或白银.
188B visa

New South Wales

Sydney Regions
  • 1000-1920
  • 2000-2249
  • 2555-2573
  • 2755
  • 2759-2772

1) Personal background

You must be under 50 years of age and have either:

  • a bachelor’s degree recognised as equivalent to the Australian standard, or
  • in the past 10 years have at least:
    • 5 years of successful investment history, or
    • 3 years work experience in a Sydney target sector, or 
    • 5 years work experience in a non-target sector

2) Investment background

For at least one of the five most recent fiscal years, you have directly managed one of the following:

  • a qualifying business in which you, your partner, or you and your partner together had at least 10% ownership interest, or
  • an eligible investment of at least A$2,500,000 owned by you, your partner, or you and your partner together

3) Net assets

For the two most recent fiscal years, you, your partner, or you and your partner together have combined personal and business net assets of at least A$2,500,000.

4) Complying investments

You must make a complying significant investment of at least A$2,500,000 and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa.

It must be invested in the following proportions:

  • at least A$500,000 in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-up and small private companies
  • at least A$750,000 in approved managed funds. The managed funds must invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange
  • a ‘balancing investment’ of at least A$1,250,000 in managed funds

Investing in NSW

To qualify for NSW nomination, you must show that your complying investments will contribute to the NSW economy.

NSW will refuse your nomination application for a permanent visa (subclass 888) if you cannot show your complying investments meet the following criteria:

Venture Capital and Growth Private Equity investment

At least 50% of your venture capital component must be invested in:

  • a venture capital fund investing in startups and small-to-medium enterprises in NSW, or
  • a venture capital limited partnership that sources investments in NSW
Emerging companies

At least 50% of the emerging companies component must be invested in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that are headquartered in NSW.

Balancing investment

At least 50% of your balancing investments must bring benefits to NSW. This can be shown where:

  • the funds have an office in NSW; or
  • the business of underlying investment is headquartered in NSW; or
  • the business activities of underlying investment are of economic benefit to NSW

Living in NSW

You must have a genuine commitment to reside in NSW and contribute to NSW through your investment activity.

Points test

Your SkillSelect EOI must show a minimum score of 65 points. The applications show the following will be prioritised:

  • Points in investor experience, or
  • 35 points in financial assets, or
  • Points for business innovation qualifications

Sydney target sectors include:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Food and beverage manufacturing
  • Agricultural technology
  • Aerospace and defence
  • Renewable energy and sustainability
  • Emerging digital technology
  • Cyber security
  • Medtech
NSW Regional Regions
  • All other postcode areas other than Sydney’s postcodes
  • 1) Personal background

    You must be under 50 years of age and have either:

    • a bachelor’s degree recognised as equivalent to the Australian standard, or
    • in the past 10 years have at least:
      • 5 years of successful investment history, or
      • 3 years work experience in a Regional NSW target sector, or 
      • 5 years work experience in a non-target sector

    2) Investment background

    For at least one of the five most recent fiscal years, you have directly managed one of the following:

    • a qualifying business in which you, your partner, or you and your partner together had at least 10% ownership interest, or
    • an eligible investment of at least A$2,500,000 owned by you, your partner, or you and your partner together

    3) Net assets

    For the two most recent fiscal years, you, your partner, or you and your partner together have combined personal and business net assets of at least A$2,500,000.

    4) Complying investments

    You must make a complying significant investment of at least A$2,500,000 and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa.

    It must be invested in the following proportions:

    • at least A$500,000 in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-up and small private companies
    • at least A$750,000 in approved managed funds. The managed funds must invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange
    • a ‘balancing investment’ of at least A$1,250,000 in managed funds

Investing in NSW

To qualify for NSW nomination, you must show that your complying investments will contribute to the NSW economy.

NSW will refuse your nomination application for a permanent visa (subclass 888) if you cannot show your complying investments meet the following criteria:

Venture Capital and Growth Private Equity investment

At least 50% of your venture capital component must be invested in:

  • a venture capital fund investing in startups and small-to-medium enterprises in NSW, or
  • a venture capital limited partnership that sources investments in NSW
Emerging companies

At least 50% of the emerging companies component must be invested in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange that are headquartered in NSW.

Balancing investment

At least 50% of your balancing investments must bring benefits to NSW. This can be shown where:

  • the funds have an office in NSW; or
  • the business of underlying investment is headquartered in NSW; or
  • the business activities of underlying investment are of economic benefit to NSW

Living in NSW

You must have a genuine commitment to reside in NSW and contribute to NSW through your investment activity.

Points test

Your SkillSelect EOI must show a minimum score of 65 points. The applications show the following will be prioritised:

  • Points in investor experience, or
  • 35 points in financial assets, or
  • Points for business innovation qualifications

Regional NSW target sectors include:

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Food and beverage manufacturing
  • Agricultural technology
  • Aerospace and defence
  • Renewable energy and sustainability
  • Emerging digital technology
  • Cyber security
  • Medtech


  • Technology-enabled primary industries
  • Critical minerals
  • Recycling and waste management


To be eligible to apply for Victorian Investor stream (subclass 188B) visa nomination, you must:

  • meet the Department of Home Affairs’ subclass 188B requirements
  • be under 55 years of age,
  • intend to live in Victoria,
  • be able to make a complying investment of at least A$2.5 million in Victoria,
  • have scored at least 80 points,
  • be committed to meet the Department of Home Affairs’ subclass 888B permanent residence requirements

ACT Camberra

Not Available


  1. Meet Department of Immigration’s requirements
  2. TBA

South Australia

  1. To meet the South Australian nomination requirements, you must:

    • Meet Department of Home Affairs 188 investment stream criteria
    • Intend to live in South Australia
    • Agree to make and maintain an investment of AUD$2.5 million (AUD$3.75 million if over 55 year of age) for the duration of the provisional visa in a complying investment fund. The complying investment fund must materially benefit South Australia.
    • Agree to register your arrival in South Australia with Skilled & Business Migration and maintain current contact details for the duration of your visa.
  • Applicants between 55 and 65 points can apply for exceptional circumstances for the additional 10 points from the South Australian Government. These applications will be assessed on a case by case basis.
  • The choice of investment options is based on the client’s own preference and Department of Home Affairs complying investment requirements.
  • It is strongly recommended that applicants obtain professional legal and financial advice before investing or undertaking any business activity.
  • The South Australian Government will not advise on any investment made or any business activity to be undertaken by the applicant, nor does it accept liability for any financial loss, cost of expense incurred as a result of any business decision, business activities or investments of the applicant or any person in any way connected with the significant investor program or otherwise.
  • The Commonwealth and State Government require applicants to agree to not take legal action against them for any loss of capital arising from the complying investment.

Western Australia

  1. Meet Department of Immigration’s requirements
  2. TBA

Northern Territory

  1. Meet Department of Immigration’s requirements
  2. TBA


  1. Meet Department of Immigration’s requirements
  2. TBA

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