188 Business/Investor Visa Points Calculator
1. Age
2. English Level
3. Education
4(a). Business experience--Business Innovation stream(188A) only
4(b). Investor experience--Investor stream(188B) only
5. Net Business and Personal Financial Asset own by you and your spouse: in the last two financial years
6. Business turnover: at least two of the most recent four financial years had
*Can only use the maximum of two main businesses
7. Business Innovation
*Gazella Business:own main businesses with an average annualised growth in turnover > 20% per annum over 3 continuous fiscal years(established < 5 years and employed at least 10 full-time workers in each year)
**Granted Fund: the granted fund received from their government body or venture capital funding is at least AUD100,000(for < 4 years) and for the purposes of early phase start up of a business, product commercialisation, business development or business expansion.
**Granted Fund: the granted fund received from their government body or venture capital funding is at least AUD100,000(for < 4 years) and for the purposes of early phase start up of a business, product commercialisation, business development or business expansion.
8. Regard as an unique and important benefit to the nominated State
Total Point: 0